Number of Pizzas Eaten: 256
Number of Euro Spent on the Bathroom: 79 (that's $122.45!)
Number of Passes Made by an Italian: 78
Number of Gelato Eaten: 297
Bottles of Wine Consumed: 196
Shots of Lemoncello Taken: 162
Number of Times Overslept: 11
Number of Days NOT Showered: 38
Number of Sunburns: 39
Number of Mis-understandings Due to Language: 89
Number of T-Shirts Purchased: 69
Number of Card Games Played: 63
Number of Bags Lost: 3
Number of Bug Bites: 56
Number of Miles Walked: average of 84 per person!
Number of Blisters: 31
Number of Electrical Appliances Blown-up: 10
Number of Countries Assumed to be From (other than U.S.A.): 11
Number of Postcards Sent: 82
Number of Credit Card Limits Reached: 5
Number of Hours Spent on the Internet: 54
All together, a good time was had by all!